Statement of Our Commitment to Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Adopted by the Family Medicine Midwest Board of Directors on December 17, 2021

Family Medicine Midwest (FMM) is committed to attracting, retaining, and developing outstanding family physicians in the Midwest. We recognize that systems of oppression caused harm in historically marginalized communities, including but not limited to indigenous peoples and their occupied lands, communities of color, LGBTQ+ communities, people of varying abilities and body sizes, immigrant communities and others historically excluded from medicine. These systems of oppression are embedded in our public health, health care, and medical education systems in which family physicians live and work.
At FMM, we are dedicated to continuing to educate ourselves and our colleagues on the impact systems of oppression have on our work as family medicine educators, including, but not limited to, gathering information, identifying disparities in our activities and the root causes for these disparities.

We recognize we will make mistakes in doing this necessary work, and will push ourselves to grow, learn, and act. We are dedicated to attracting, retaining, and developing outstanding family physicians for the future to provide the most equitable and comprehensive care for all.

Additional Resources:  If you have resources to share, please email Ginnie Flynn

AAMC Medical School Fall 2021 Applicant, Matriculant & Enrollment Data Tables
AAFP article/perspectives on AAMC data tables
Dos and Don'ts for attendees at Native American Cultural Events - Created by University of Minnesota - Duluth Medical Students Tamee Livermont, Courtney Cotsonas and Katie Wilson
Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Glossar
AMA and AAMC Advancing Health Equity Guide 
CDC Health Equity Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication 
STFM - Antiracism and Health Equity Resources

AMA Policy adopted at 2023 Annual Meeting:  Recognizing the consideration of race in admissions as a necessary safeguard in undergraduate and medical education to support a diverse physician workforce. The new policy urges medical school and undergraduate admissions committees to proactively implement policies and procedures that support race-conscious admission practices. The policy emphasizes the AMA’s unequivocal opposition to legislation that would dissolve affirmative action or punish institutions for employing race-conscious admissions.