Spring Into Action
Get up to speed and advocate with the new Illinois General Assembly with up-to-date information on legislation. You can view current issues on our State Government update page. This is a great opportunity for members to share their experiences with their lawmakers in an organized event. CME credit is provided!
Save the Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 Online registration is open and will be required to attend. Registration ends at midnight March 30. IAFP Membership must be in good standing.
Registration fees: $50 Active and Life Members $20 Resident, Student and Transitional Members
IAFP members will get direct training on legislative affairs, followed with face-to-face meetings with legislators to put those new skills to use on issues that are most important to them. At the end of the Spring into Action event, members will be up to date on state issues, along with resources to stay involved and be in contact with their legislators year-round. Engage directly with lawmakers on the importance of primary care in Illinois, and strategies to increase investment in primary care and family medicine. Training will include how to use web resources from IAFP, AAFP and the Illinois General Assembly to track legislation and act on issues.
9:30 – 10 a.m. Arrival and Check-in (light breakfast provided)
10:00 – 10:30 Overview of Day/Materials Review –
10:30 – 11:00 Lobbying 101 and Legislative Perspective Basics of lobbying, with insights on how to focus their talking points and guidance to convey their medical expertise as family physicians.
11 a.m. – Noon Issue Briefings on Pending Legislation Get up to date on the legislation pending before the House and Senate and review the fact sheets sent in advance to ensure you’re ready for visiting legislators at the Capitol.
Noon - 2 p.m. Visits with Policymakers Meetings will be scheduled as much as possible, but flexibility will be needed as lawmakers are at the behest of schedules determined (and sometimes altered!) by their leadership.
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Lunch & Wrap-up
Statement of CME Credit: The AAFP has reviewed Spring into Action and deemed it acceptable for up to 2.50 Live AAFP Prescribed credit(s). Term of Approval is from 04/09/2025 to 04/09/2025. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Check out our 2023 Highlight Reel
Advocacy Resources from AAFP
Importance of family medicine factsheets Family physicians are located in every community in every state. These state-specific one-pagers quantify the impact of family physicians in your state.
AAFP State Advocacy: Backgrounders State policy happens quickly. To make sense of it all, the Center for State Policy has developed backgrounders on trending health policy proposals in the states. AAFP members can use these backgrounders to enhance their advocacy efforts or learn more about a particular issue.
Be the face and the voice of family medicine!
- Learn about the political process and how IAFP makes a difference!
- Advocate on behalf of family medicine and its value
- Increase your visibility with legislators and policymakers
- Establish yourself as your legislators’ resource on health care policy
- Provide vital input on current legislation under consideration