Practice Resources
Practice Management Adults & Seniors Behavioral Health Integration Children & Teens Diabetes Health Equity Healthy Lifestyles Medical Cannabis Obesity Opioid Prescribing Immunizations Physician Resiliency Rural Health Tobacco/Nicotine
Patient Education websites – Award-winning patient education information you can trust - and share - from AAFP
U.S. FDA recall center - Notices of major product recalls provides an array of information on assisted living options and costs for assisted living services in Illinois. Illinois Poison Control Center March is Poison Prevention Month - learn more and get resources for your practice - Newborn and child development screening and intervention Vasculitis Foundation - for this inflammation of the blood vessels
Provider resources DocAssist - Resources on primary care behavioral health for children, teens and perinatal patients Hepatitis C Resources for Providers - NEW guidelines for HepC testing Physician Burnout and Physician Wellness Tobacco and nicotine addiction POLST Provider Orders for End of Life Treatment
IDPH -Illinois Department of Public Health
Health Action Network Alert: Contaminated Stem Cells. What to watch for and what to do. Current Child Health Examination form English and Spanish Rx for EpiPens for Law Enforcement in your community Epi Pen Provider Fact Sheet and EpiPen Fact Sheet for Parents
IDPH certificate for religious exemption form for school-required immunizations. More information in this Q&A document from IAFP and ICAAP
Screening Recommendations for Pregnant Women Fact Sheet - Landscape format or Legal size PRAMS information (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System) Syphilis - Syphilis Staging and Treatment and article #2 with data, screening recommendations, and reporting. Article #3 - Syphilis Laboratory Tests
IDPH Advisory on AFM - Nov. 2018 Medical Cannabis Pilot Program forms - Click here for forms effective July 2016
Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice journal. IAFP Board Chair Janet R. Albers, MD is editor of this publication. Many IAFP members are authors. Learn from your IAFP friends.
Physicians Statement on Breastfeeding Resources for supporting breastfeeding in your practice and hospital