Vincent D. Keenan Award for Servant Leadership

Established in 2022, the “Keenan Award” is bestowed by the IAFP Board of Directors from nominations contributed by IAFP members. It can be awarded to one person each year at the IAFP Annual Meeting at the discretion of the Board, with no requirement that the award be given annually. The Award recipient is determined at the third Board meeting of each calendar year.

The award recognizes outstanding Illinois physicians in public health who embody one or more of the following qualities:

  • Dedicates career to public health.
  • Has worked or led public health initiatives beyond their normal practice in service to their community.
  • Improves population-level health outcomes through their work.
  • Works to enhance health equity through ongoing initiatives within the workplace or their community.
  • Demonstrates superior potential through early-career accomplishments in public health (i.e., there is a path to this award for new physicians and trainees).

Nominations may be submitted by any IAFP member and must include:

  • A written narrative not to exceed 500 words outlining reasons for the nomination.
  • The nominee’s current CV or equivalent professional biography or documentation (i.e., skills, experience, and educational qualifications).
  • May include any additional supporting documentation (e.g.; publications, media stories, colleague testimonials).