New Physicians Bootcamp at IAFP Annual Meeting (1.5 CME Credits) Saturday November 9, 2024
Evaluation & Credit Claim: Following the conference, please complete the Evaluation & Credit Claim to provide feedback on the IAFP Annual Meeting, New Physician Bootcamp CME, and to claim credit. A CME Certificate will be emailed to you upon competition of this survey. Please note you will need to fill in your name and credits claimed on the certificate provided.
Finding Your Dream Job with Employment Options (Panel)
Learning Objectives: • Recognize various practice models, including utilizing additional post-residency training, available to Family Physicians • Examine advantages and disadvantages to different practice settings • Identify additional resources for how to make a career transition
Contract Negotiations - hand-out
Learning Objectives: • Develop a negotiating plan prior to engaging an employer on your contract • Identify which areas are likely to be most and least negotiable in a contract • Recognize red flag conditions in a contract and contract negotiations
15-minute Time Management Tricks hand-out
Learning Objectives:
• Identify key time management strategies specific to the demands of residency and early medical practice, allowing for increased productivity and reduced stress. • Demonstrate practical techniques for prioritizing tasks and managing clinical and administrative responsibilities efficiently. • Develop a personalized action plan for maintaining work-life balance and preventing burnout through effective time management practices.
Financial Planning Essentials - hand-out Learning Objectives:
• Develop an overall plan for managing finances regardless of income • Examine various savings options from retirement, IRAs, stocks and more • Strategize options for student loan debt repayment including Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) • Identify at least three discrete steps one can take for financial security as a physician
CV and Interview Prep - hand-out
Learning Objectives:
• Modify your CV to convey your strengths succinctly and effectively • Develop a plan to be prepared and polished for your interview • Identify common pitfalls for interviews
Evaluation & Credit Claim:

Faculty Disclosure Statement
The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians adheres to the conflict-of-interest policy of the ACCME and the AMA. It is the policy of Illinois AFP to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its educational activities. All individuals in a position to control the content in our programs are expected to disclose any relationships they may have with commercial companies whose products or Services may be mentioned so that participants may evaluate the objectivity of the presentations. In addition, any discussion of off-label, experimental, or investigational use of drugs or devices will be disclosed by the faculty. Only those participants who have no conflict of interest or who agree to an identified resolution process prior to their participation were involved in the CME activity.
Accreditation The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Credit Designation: AMA Category 1 credit™ - The Illinois Academy of Family Physicians designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credit™
AAFP Prescribed Credit - The AAFP has reviewed New Physicians Bootcamp and deemed it acceptable for up to 1.50 Live AAFP Prescribed credit(s). Term of Approval is from 11/09/2024 to 11/09/2024. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.