Family Medicine Midwest Conference 2025
Call for Abstracts Instructions


Poster submissions have a separate set of instructions, form and deadlines:

Topics of interest:
We invite submissions on any aspect of the family medicine experience. We are especially interested in submissions that:
  • Address the diversity of scope within family medicine. 
  • Are student focused.
  • Offer procedural/hands on workshops.
  • Has an interactive format.
  • Can be a part of the Innovative Ideas session.
Dates & Deadlines:
Call for Abstracts Closes - June 1, 2025, 11:59pm CST
Call for Abstracts Closes for Posters only - June 15, 2025,  11:59pm CST
Notification of Acceptance - July 1, 2025
All presentations and posters due to FMM - August 18, 2025

Questions? Contact Kate Valentine.

Call for Abstracts Steps
The following steps are what you are to complete and submit on the Call for Abstracts online form.

Step 1: Status of the Primary Presenter
Indicate who the primary presenter will be. The primary presenter will receive all notifications and will be responsible for communicating with the co-presenters and FMM staff. 
Note: The Primary Presenter MUST be from one of the 11 Midwest states.

  • Physician
  • Fellow
  • Resident
  • Student
  • Student - this submission is regarding a Summer 2025 work in progress
Step 2: Intended Audience
Select the primary audience that best fits your submission. Please note that all sessions are open to all conference attendees. 
  • Students
  • Residents
  • Physicians
  • ALL
Step 3: Teaching Methods
Review the following teaching methods and select the format that best represents how you would develop and deliver your presentation. Follow the links for details about each type of teaching method.
  • Procedural Workshop (60 minute session)
  • Seminar (60 or 30 minute session)
  • Presentation of Scholarship (15-minute session)
  • QI Presentation - Residents ONLY (5-15 minutes)
  • Innovative Ideas (5-10 minute session)
  • Developing or Completed Project Poster (60 minute display period)  NOTE: Poster submissions has it's own Call form
Step 4: Primary Author/Presenter Information
Indicate the primary presenter or author.  Submission notifications will be sent to the person listed here.
  • Name & Degree
  • Institution / Affiliation
  • Program/Department
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Bio (limited to 100 words, NO CVs, please) – if accepted this will be used for the FMM program
  • Has this person submitted to this conference before? 
Step 5: Additional Presenters
Include information for a maximum of two additional presenters.
  • Name & Degree
  • Institution / Affiliation
  • Program/Department
  • Primary Presenter Job Title
  • Email Address
  • Bio (limited to 100 words, NO CVs, please)
Step 6: Title of Submission
This is the title of your presentation and will be used in all promotional and syllabus material. Please remember that your title will encourage attendees to go to your session. Do your best to make it clear, concise, and reflective of your subject matter.  Unless they are very commonly used, avoid acronyms.

Step 7: Learning Objectives:
Learning objectives are required for all sessions.  
  • 2-3 learning objectives are required for all workshops, and seminars
  • 1 learning objective is required for 15-minute sessions, innovative idea sessions, QI sessions and posters.

List objectives for your session in the following format: "On completion of this session, the participants should be able to..."
Learning objectives should describe behavior in measurable terms, what you would expect learners to take away and implement from this CME activity.
Each objective must be specific, to the point, and limited to one sentence.
AVOID these words: Understand, Know, Realize, Be aware of, and Perceive.

For more information on how to write good objectives visit

Step 8: Abstract
Write a 200-word (or less) summary of your proposal. This material will be entered in the “Program Abstracts” provided to all registrants. 
See individual session type for specific requirements for abstract submissions (including posters). In general, most abstracts will include the following sections: background, methods, results, and conclusions.
TIP: A good abstract conveys the most important, most interesting information to an attendee who may not know anything about the subject. It invites people to your session or poster, even those who may be new to the field. A well-written abstract clearly states what session attendees will learn and should be written in a format the includes the following sections: background, methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts should include a description of how the project has been evaluated
NOTE: Brand names of specific products cannot be used in presentation titles or abstracts. Use generic names where needed.

Step 9: Proposal
NOTE: This step is REQUIRED for workshops, seminars, and 15-min presentations.  
It is NOT required for poster, innovative ideas, and Resident QI submissions

Your proposal should clearly articulate the need for the session and include the following sections:  

  • Background & Rationale – Provide context and explain why this topic is important. Reference relevant literature to support the significance of the issue and the need for improvement or innovation.  
  • Project Description & Session Plan – Describe the session, including objectives, key interventions, and implementation strategies. Outline how the session will be structured, detailing time allocation, key topics, and interactive components to engage participants. 
  • Evaluation & Results – Summarize the evaluation methods used or planned, including quantitative and qualitative measures. Highlight expected or achieved outcomes and their impact on practice improvement. 
  • Audience Interaction & Engagement – Describe the interactive components of the session, such as case discussions, group activities, Q&A, or hands-on exercises, ensuring active participation and meaningful engagement.
  • Relevance to Family Medicine & Conference Attendees – Explain how the session aligns with the needs of family medicine professionals or the target audience. Describe its practical applications and how attendees can apply the insights to their practice.

TIP: A strong proposal clearly and concisely explains the need for the session, providing relevant background and supporting references. It should outline the session’s purpose, present evaluation results or planned assessments, and detail how participants will engage with the content. Effective proposals prioritize audience needs, incorporating interactive elements and active participation while aligning with the presenter’s objectives. Additionally, proper grammar, spelling, and clarity are essential for a polished and professional submission.

Step 10: AUDIO VISUAL, Room set-up & Materials
AV: PC Laptops, projectors, and screens will be provided for presenters and will be preloaded will all presentations. No additional a/v will be provided.  Microphones will only be provided for larger rooms.
Please indicate if your presentation contains sound or requires internet.

SETUP: Session rooms will be arranged in either theater or classroom style. Workshops will be set up in classroom style by default. Only workshops can request special room set-ups.
Please indicate if your workshop requires a special room setup—such as specific table arrangements, furniture movement, or materials for participants.

MATERIALS: FMM does not provide materials for workshops. Presenters are responsible for purchasing and bringing all necessary materials. FMM cannot store any items, including those requiring refrigeration.
If your workshop or session includes materials, please specify what they are and whether you need assistance with setup or takedown.

Step 11: Comments or Other Information (optional)
Include any penitent information, special considerations or additional information you would like the staff or committee to know about, such as

  • Is this presentation still being developed/in progress? 
  • How long has this project or activity been in place?
  • Has this project or activity been evaluated?
  • Will you be using special equipment, models, videos or polling? 
  • Comments or other information 

This is where you can also indicate if this session is part of an FMM Collaborative.

Step 12: Commitment to Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Read the Statement of our Commitment to Diversity Equity and Inclusion and answer the associated question.

Questions? Contact Kate Valentine.